Become an INMAT Academy


Because of our mission and values.

Whilst schools in our trust have their distinctive features we work together, in collaboration to drive for excellence. Our staff are valued and provided with a safe and professional working environment. There is high expectation and challenge for every pupil to fully develop and achieve intellectually, physically, socially and aesthetically.

Because all pupils are encouraged to:

  • Develop into happy and confident individuals with a secure foundation in learning that will last throughout their lives.
  • Develop lively and enquiring minds through knowledge with understanding.
  • Establish a command of the subjects in the National Curriculum.
  • Value and understand religious and moral beliefs, develop a respect for the views of others and an understanding of British values.
  • Understand the world in which we live with regard for our mutual dependence on others as individuals, groups and nations.
  • Appreciate human achievements and aspirations.

Because all schools in the trust provide:

  • A school environment in which children can enjoy learning and develop social skills.
  • A differentiated and challenging curriculum including rigorous assessment procedures which ensures that no child is overlooked and every child succeeds.
  • Whole school and individual staff professional development which ensures the highest quality of teaching and learning.
  • Whole-school procedures and practices which ensure consistency and clarity of approach to the education of the children, representative of the principles and aims above.

Because the trust and all member schools aim to:

  • Play their part in raising national standards in education through sharing good practice with each other and other schools and teachers across Northamptonshire and beyond
  • Support each other to adapt to the ever-changing world of education. 

For more information about joining INMAT please contact us by emailing: or by calling Helen Williams - CEO on 01604 434600

For further information on how to convert to an academy follow the link below:-